Thursday, March 4, 2010

How does Animal Farm relate to my life?

Animal Farm is a book we are reading in English. Its about farm animals who don't like it on the farm so they try to take over. We've gotten through the first chapter so far. The first chapter is about Old Majors (a pig) dream. The dream was basically a realization that they don't get treated how they deserve to be treated and want things to change. This relates to my life because every once in a while I want things to change. I don't want to be the way I am or hang out with the people I do because of the way I get treated or something. One time I actually changed it because after a long period of time I realized I didn't like who I was or the people around me where. They were basically using me which is one of my pet peeves. So I cut off my connections with my friends and started talking to different people. As of right now I like my life, the people I hang out with and who I am. I mean every once in a while I'll stop and and think about if I really do make the right decisions and such, and sometimes I don't make the right decisions. I'm still young though, I'm gonna make mistakes. I change my mind about things a lot though, so I'm kind of anticipating the day that I wake up and decide my friends are bad influences or something like that. Well, as you can see my life does relate to Animal Farm in certain ways.

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